Sunday, 1 April 2007

Do you know that rambutans are selling for $24.99 a kg!!!!??? Crazy or what??? I had to look twice at the price when I saw it the other day at Woolies. I just wonder if anyone buys them..hmmm.. back home they are selling for RM1 a bunch and if your lucky, you can even get them for 50 sen a bunch. Kangkung is selling for $5.00 a kg and papayas, well I have mentioned how much they cost before. Simply atrocious!! Well, I am going home to eat my rambutans :-) which will be soon!!


RoslynCT said...

I don't think it's rambutan season yet... although hot weather has a way of producing sweet sweet fruits. A few months ago, the rainy season produced some of the blandest and most tasteless watermelons I'd ever had the misfortune to eat.

bea said...

A lot of fruits here,very fresh too.. I have enjoyed them. But I do miss local fruits, especially the papaya. I guess if I don't get to eat rambutans this time round, I'll try the next time I am home. By the way, when is durian season ya? June kah?