Thursday, 30 August 2007
Admittedly, I do that too sometimes. When I know that I am meeting someone soon , I smile. When I read a text message from a friend I haven't heard from a long time, I smile. When I go to sleep and remembers something nice that happened, I would have a smile on my face. A smiling baby, the rainbow in the sky, beautiful flowers, clear blue sky - they all make me smile. And above all, when I see the person I most wanted to see, I will :-)
I guess it's the little things that make my heart light..
Hey, smile today, never know who will smile back at ya...
Ahh, but like everything else, whatever you take in moderation is good for you, whatever extra always spells trouble. And so it is with coffee.. unfortunately.. sigh.. In the same research conducted, they also found evidence that coffee may increase the risk of leukemia and stomach cancer, with the case for leukemia being strongest. Hmm..there is also that risk of coffee giving you osteoporosis. I wonder if that only applies to drinking black coffee. What if you take it with milk, and as we all know milk is good for your bones - doesn't that cancel out the osteo part????
So, there you go, the boons and banes of drinking coffee. Probably the best thing to do is - drink in moderation. Make every cup last longer and enjoy every drop. After all, you only live once!!
Wednesday, 29 August 2007
I guess I will feel better tomorrow and I am sure I will have bad days time and again.. I just wish.. ahh.. never mind...
Tuesday, 28 August 2007
It's sad when you hear people you know involved in accidents, and what is sadder is when you hear that they are suffering injury that might affect the rest of their life. Accidents happen no matter how careful we are. We read about it everyday in the paper or hear it on the news. Of course there are foolish people out there who had accidents due to actions deliberately done, like racing for example. Often times we hear teenagers died in car crash after speeding on the freeway, or racing without their seatbelts on, or just racing, period. When this happens, parents are often devastated and cried for days and days, thinking, 'How stupid can a person be? Racing like that..' But no matter how many reports of accidents on the road due to carelessness or plain stupidity, it is still happening. Who to blame? The kids? The parents? The laws?
When an accident is purely an accident, who then do we put the blame on? The other driver? The road? The weather? The person himself? It's hard. Yesterday I received a text message from a friend, informing that another friend's husband was involved in a car accident a few days and has suffered injury to his spine, he is paralysed from the waist down. I hope and pray that is just a temporary condition and once healed he would be able to walk again. He was only my age, accomplished in his career, has children and a wife - larger than life. It would be sad if he doesn't recover from this unfortunate incident. I don't really know the details of the accident or how it happened. I know that my friend would be stressed out, worried sick and probably crying everyday, but I think she will be strong. When bad things happen to good people, you can help but wonder, 'Why?'
Sunday, 26 August 2007
A day of rest, and it was indeed a day of rest, for the weather permits no outdoor activity. I was awaken early this morning at about 4 am by the wind that was blowing furiously outside my window. I was glad that I was in my warm bed :-) And today was the second time in my life since I moved to this country that I wish I own a car!
The wind blew the whole day, laced with rain and so darn cold!!! So with nowhere to go, I was resigned with just being at home. Luckily I have everything I need at home. And luckily I had someone to accompany me :-) Aha!! No, No, not someone tangible, unfortunately ( I wish he was! hehe.. ) but someone who interests me so much he kept me company the whole day! Now you might be wondering who I am talking about- someone, yet not tangible - I must have lost my mind.. haha.. not really, I was talking about Harry Potter. Yes, I finally started reading book 5 and I could now understand why my friends went gaga over his books, and why millions of people were hoodwinked over him. I have never been so engrossed in a book since... well.. since I read Judith McNaught's Paradise!! It was that good :-) I hadn't expected to be stuck on the book when I started this morning but it was good. I am half way through (it is a thick book) and I hope to finish it by tomorrow.. then I can start on book 6 (hurray!!)
It has indeed been a good day, albeit being stuck at home with nowhere to go.
Friday, 24 August 2007
A snooze partner... 'A partner to keep your bed warm' - in case your are wondering what a snooze partner is. Is there such a thing? I have heard of an activity partner in bed, you know a partner to do things with. Now,now, before you get all worked up, activity as I pointed out to someone I know, can mean a lot of things - reading, chatting.. ahh etc etc :-) Of course there is also that activity that people do in bed, but we are not going to go into that. Anyway, coming back to our snooze partner, I wonder if such person exist! Hmmm.... tricky question indeed :-)
That floats on high over vales and hills,When all at once I saw a crowd,
A host, of golden daffodils;Beside the lake, beneath the trees,Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.
Continuous as the stars that shine
And twinkle on the Milky Way,They stretch'd in never-ending line
Along the margin of a bay:Ten thousand saw I at a glance,Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.'
And now they are sitting at home :-)
Tuesday, 21 August 2007
Ever seen people pressing the button at the traffic lights repeatedly hoping that the pedestrian crossing light would turn green ASAP? Or while waiting for the lift, be it going up or coming down, or even when in the lift waiting for the door to close. It's as if by pressing the buttons repeatedly, things will go faster - light will change quickly, lift would arrive and door would close faster. Or what about drivers honking during a traffic jam , as if by doing so the cars in front of him would move any faster!! I guess everyone is guilty time and again for doing something so ridiculous; well I don't know about you, but I have done it when I was in a rush.. haha.. guess I am human after all :-)
Monday, 20 August 2007
Hehe.. remember bouncing boobs?? Now you must be wondering why is this girl so obsess with boobs? Well, I can't help it if people keep bouncing them while walking.. haha.. Today, it's not the issue with no bra, it is actually bouncing with bra!!! Right, imagine, big boobs, small poorly -supported bra, tight top and high heel shoes!! Can you see bouncing??? Heheh... well, I can't help it if most boobs are at my eye level - the curse of being short in an ang mo country. But then perhaps the lady was just trying to flaunt her 'asset' :-) I wonder if men like watching bouncing you know what :-)
Talking about being short, it is also a disadvantage when I am in the bus. I was travelling home from work today and the bus was kinda full. So I got a seat next to a girl. I much prefer the window seat, but beggars can't be choosers, right? Anyway, there was nothing wrong with the girl next to me. As the bus moved along it stopped by almost every stop to pick up people who were also as eager as me to get home. In came this tall man, who happened to park himself next to me. Now in a situation like this, there are 2 ways one can stand, on the aisle, facing the front, or side with body facing the passenger, which is a preferred position in order for one to hang on to the rail above. (Again if you are short, you just hold on to the back rest, can't reach the rail above) If you stand facing the passenger, you will always have your bum facing the other passenger. This is what happened. He was facing the other side, his bum was facing me. Now, since I am short, this puts my face right to the level of his bum!! Now, don't laugh. If I were taller, I would be facing his back. As I was sitting there, I kept thinking, what if he 'break wind'???? OMG.. that would be awful!!! Hahahahaha... he didn't, fortunately, but it could happen.. :-) I am awful, aren't I???? Sorrry.. hehehe...
Then there was this man who wanted to exit the bus. As usual when you want to exit, ring the bell, stand up and start walking towards the door. But what happens when the bus is quite full and there are people already standing at the doorway? Well then, just stand where you are and wait until the bus stops. Now I am not advising you on what to do.. I actually wanted to highlight a little thing that the man did. He rang the bell, then stood up. He had a big backpack with him. Naturally when seated, backpack comes off and rest on the knee. When it's time to alight, naturally it goes back to the shoulder. This was what he did - he swung his backpack onto his shoulder and guess what?? Right into my face. Nearly hit me!! Again I thought, this is really me living dangerously!! What if he swung and hit my face???? And while standing there and the bus was still moving, his body moved too, so I had the bag right at my face. I had to turn my face the other way! My imagination was running wild with 'what ifs'!! Hahah.. I think I read too many Calvin and Hobbes comics..
Sunday, 19 August 2007
We got a ticket for parking over time!!! Yikesss!!! $60 for being 1/2 hr late... Valerie and I were at Fremantile today showing her nephew what Fremantle is all about :-) But.. to our horror, we got a ticket when we walked back to the car.Of course we prayed hard as we were walking back ,hoping against hope that there wouldn't be one.. hehe..It's our first ticket since we started gallivanting around Perth, but it is still disheartening. It is, however, a lesson for us. We will make sure we never exceeded our parking time again!!
But then looking at the parking bays in Fremantle, it is amazing just how fast the parking regulations have changed. Before you can park for free after 5 pm, now it is only free after midnight!! So there is no free park anymore if you wish to visit Fremantle. Wouldn't it be nice if there were a system whereby you put in money into the meter but returns the balance to you if you do not use up all the time you paid for?? That way one could pay for 3 hours and if he only uses 1.5 of it, the balance would be refunded to him, rounded to the nearest hour that is :-) Yeah, it's wishful thinking, but hey it's worth a thought :-)
Saturday, 18 August 2007
Friday, 17 August 2007
Now this is a a gist of what I got this from an article I read where guys reveal what works--and what doesn't. Think it is good to know..
Lingerie -
Nope, not the ones that come in a pack of 3, or 'granny' ones!! Instead go for those that makes you sexy. You know the lacy ones that makes you feel good having them on??? Hmm.. I wonder how they know you are wearing lingerie unless...oppps...oh nooo.. hehe
Shoes -
Admit it, girls just love shoes, and we buy them even though we don't need them. So just what kind do they notice? High heel shoes, mmm.. they make your legs look seeeeexy :-)
Hair -
One of the sexiest thing about a woman. They seem to notice long hair, unless you look dead cute in a short bob :-) When you go to your hairstylist, think sexy and get a sexy haircut! The advice is 'Go for messy sexy..' and stop cutting your hair short as you age.. no need.
Dresses -
Pick a dress that accentuates your best body parts.
Tops and Bottoms -
Have some in your closet that are 'man-killers', meaning cleavage cuts, the tight tops, and the bootylicious jeans.
And finally... Glasses if you happen to wear them.
There you go. Now we know what they notice about us... guess it's time to do a checklist! :-)
Thursday, 16 August 2007
After almost a YEAR of blogging, I finally found out that I could actually set my edit button to have all edit functions and that is by making a simple 'YES' click on the compose mode!! What a dumb dumb I am. I kept asking myself, how do I change fonts, or change colours of the font or allign sentences/phrases. A real twit I am!! Haha..
Anyway, now I can play with colours and allignment and etc etc.. so nice :-) Next I would have to try figure out how to add emoticons and other features to this. Wonder if it is possible... any ideas out there?
Received this today and thought I would share it here...
Don't be afraid that your life will end,
Wednesday, 15 August 2007
still looking for inspiration. The muse that comes and inspires the mind must be on holiday :-) Coz the brain has no waves when it comes to penning anything down. At times like this I am glad I were not a writer, if I were my head would be bald from all the frustrations of not being able to write anything down.. haha.. This is what they call 'writer's block' and in my case, 'blogger's block'. Sounds weird but funny :-) I envy people who could write and write, the creative sort.
Now come to think of it, I did try writing a short story once. In fact if I remember correctly, I wrote 2 short stories, a long time ago when I was still in high school. I remember they were love stories, ones that have a sad ending. Unrequited love. It must have been the influence of all the romance stories which were a craze back then among girls, Mills & Boons! I was quite imaginative, I wonder where it had all gone. Now I cannot write a page, let alone a short story. Perhaps I should have pursued a career in writing. Perhaps I should tune that creative side of my brain and start writing again. 'It's too hard!' my colleague likes to say :-)
Sometimes I have these ideas in my mind but I just couldn't string words together. I wonder if all great writers started this way? Think of JK Rowling who started putting her ideas down on napkins! Who would think that she would be one of the most popular writer in the world today!!
Oh!!!! The 'elephant' is stomping again upstairs! I wonder if he walks or jumps in the apartment.. haha.. maybe he hops :-) I hope he doesn't go and stay in a wooden house, the floor might collapse.. hmmm.. I am so bad.. but truly, I can hear his every move and if I cannot sleep at night, I can hear him moving around :-(
By the way, a WA resident won the 6 million dollar lotto last night. Sometimes I wonder why some people have all the luck and some people don't. I am not the lucky one when it comes to lotto, I haven't won any but I will keep on trying :-) If I win the jackpot, I will help my cousins to seek treatment for their eyesight. You see they have been 80% blind since they were in their teens, and if I have the money I will find the best doctor for them. They are the most humble people I have ever known. They do not let themselves be victims, instead they live their life the best they could. It would be good if there is treatment for their condition. They do not come from a well-to-do family. Their mother, my aunty died 7 years ago. Their father is not as young anymore, I think he is 80 or is it 82? I brought them to see the eye specialist back home but he said their condition was untreatable. I even brought them to healing sessions, but all to no avail. Maybe there is a treatment out there for them. Maybe it is their fate, so that people like me can appreciate what I have.
Tuesday, 14 August 2007
That is the offer made by men's magazine 'Zoo'. Yeap, so, all the guys have to do is send in the pic of their girlfriend/wife's cleavage and the lukcy boob could win the ultimate prize, a $10,000 breast implants job. They magazine is offering this as an online competition and since it was launched, the website has been getting very warm response indeed!! Men seem to love the idea, stating that they it is the best and most romantic gift they could give to their girlfriend/wife. Apparently guys have this facination for big boobs!! :-) And the women's response? Disgusted, of course!!and appalled!! Men should not be treating women like objects of their satisfaction! Instead, they said that their boyfriend/husband should love them for who they are and not for their boob :-) The competition is not only open to men, apparently women can participate as well!! Authorities are checking whether this is a legit offer.. haha.. Now what will they think of next?
Why is it that it is easier for a man to forget a woman than a woman to forget a man?? After a relationship turned sour that is.. Is it because women are created in such a way that emotions tend to stay for sometime before it fizzles away? Or is it because men are better at dealing with a breakup than women?
When a breakup happens, some women tend to 'stay' in the 'relationship' for many months to come, sometimes years. I know, I was in one. Everytime you think that you have gotten over it, it hits you out of nowhere and bang! you are back in square one. It's as if the hurt will never end and you started thinking, 'When is this going to end? When will I be able to get through a day without thinking about him?'Everyone goes through a heartbreak once or twice (or more) in their lifetime. If you are lucky, you bounce back quickly. If you are not, you could be stuck for a long time. What do you tell friends who ask you time and again, 'When will it end?'Or 'Why is it so hard?' I don't know, really. Sometimes just a little phone call from the 'ex' or a brief text could set you back a day. Sometimes when you think back on all the nice time you had together, you wonder what went wrong.
As for the men, well, I can't really say what goes on in their head after a breakup. It could be that they are also hurting but dealing with the situation in a different way. Being manly and all, they probably don't dwell in the past as often as women do. Perhaps that is why they bounce back quicker than our gender, but then again, your guess is as good as mine. Sometimes you see that your 'ex' is back on the dating wagon again soon after your breakup and it hurts you very much that he could do that while you are struggling at home trying to get over him. While you are crying buckets at home, tossing and turning in bed, he is out with the new girl or different girls every night. Being a pro at multi-tasking doesn't help much when it comes to dealing with this kind of situation, does it? You can't seem to find a new guy to date coz no one can match up to your ex. Sometimes it sucks being a woman :-)
Now, having said all these, what do you do? I am no pro in dealing with this. I was stuck for years, but through that bitter experience I do know that if you do not make an effort to break the cycle (I call it a cycle coz it goes round and round), it will takes years away from you (not to mention your youth as well), time which you could use to enjoy other finer things in life. All I can say is that no matter what, you have to try to break the cycle, which means not staying at home and dwell on him, hoping that he would change his mind and come back one day, coz you know it very well in your heart of hearts that he WON'T. Now my friends would be thinking,'That's easy for you to say smarty-pants, you are not in this situation.' Well I know that. I didn't say it would be easy, it just had to be done!
Now where was I?? A colleague came into the room and interupted my thoughts :-) So, as I was rambling on, I guess the best thing to do is to try to deal with it the best you could and at the same time telling yourself that it WILL get better but you have to want to get better. Mind over matter :-)
And the reason I am thinking about this today? It's just something that a friend has been asking my thoughts on, and I just thought I would put them down. I am not a wise woman, but wiser (I think) as I aged along.. hehe.. gracefully I hope.
Perhaps if a man happens to read this, he could shed some light on the dilemma..
Monday, 13 August 2007
Now that reminds me of KL mini buses,years ago when they were still operational. The mini buses were little buses that everyone used to get around, simply because they were cheaper and could run faster. The only problem with them was that they were always full, to the brim, or rather to the door. I remember the bus driver used to say, "Masuk dalam lagi" (go further in)and you had to squeeze - like sardines!! So imagine 2 people sitting on 2 rows of seats on each side and 2 people standing side by side, or rather backside to backside on the aisle!! When it's a hot day, it was like an oven inside the bus and everyone sweat!! And if you happen to be short like me and standing next to a taller person, oh boy!! The worse part was, there was only 1 door, in front, next to the driver! So imagine if you were at the rear of the bus and you wanted to get down. You need to ring the bell and immediately started walking, or squeezing your way through to the front. And if you're lucky, you'd get there by the time the bus stopped. If you sensed that you were not going to make it, shout loudly that you were still on the bus!! Haha!!! That was funny!
Thursday, 9 August 2007
Today a colleague implied that I am a 'discriminator', is there such a word?? (Hehe, there isn't such a word, I made that one up.) Well, he implied that I was discriminating against another person simply because I use her first name instead of her surname on the job roster. I didn't think that it would create such a big problem and certainly does not warrant being accused of being someone who discriminates!!! And in a multicultural workplace too!!!! As if I don't understand what it means to work in such a multicultural society. It is sad really when all he had to do was to point out in a subtle manner that it might made the girl feel uncomfortable. I explained I only did that because her surname was a little long, but noooo, he had to say those insulting remarks.Perhaps I was wrong, perhaps I should have thought I would be discriminating against someone for using the first name. I seriously didn't think it would make that big a deal.
I know I don't discriminate against people, and I don't appreciate being implied as one. Life is just no fair sometimes. You might think that what you are doing is something good, but others find it offensive. I am trying very hard to be friendly to everyone, but I guess not everyone wants to be friends. I am not a rude person I reckon so I don't appreciate being rude at. There are ways to say things and I guess he just never learns how to be tackful. One day he would get into trouble for putting his foot in his mouth. Not that he hasn't(gotten into trouble), but I guess his skin is so thick, he just never learns. Friends advised me to ignore what he said, because he is like that. He is a person who doesn't think before he speaks, and that it's ok to do things as long as it is him who does it. Ahh well, I guess I just have to becareful with what I put down on papers and .. I think I will stay away from him from now on. I feel sad that he thinks I am such a person when all I have is respect for him. What a day...what a day indeed!! :-(
Wednesday, 8 August 2007
Gentlemen and Ladies.. this is soooo true :-)
1. All men are extremely busy.
2. Although they are so busy, they still have time for women.
3. Although they have time for women, they don't really care for them.
4. Although they don't really care for them, they always have one
5. Although they always have one around them, they always try their luck
with others.
6. Although they try their luck with others, they get really pissed off
if the woman leaves them.
7. Although the woman leaves them they still don't learn from their
mistakes and still try their luck with others.
1. The most important thing for a woman is financial security.
2. Although this is so important, they still go out and buy expensive
clothes and stuff.
3. Although they always buy expensive clothes, they never have something
to wear.
4. Although they never have something to wear, they always dress
5. Although they always dress beautifully, their clothes are always just
"an old rag".
6. Although their clothes are always "just an old rag", they still
expect you to compliment them.
7. Although they expect you to compliment them, when you do, they don't
believe you.
Thursday, 2 August 2007
Just came back from the licencing centre. Went there to book my driving test.. yes! after all this time. The Good news is I have made payment, which by the way, has gone up from $24+ to $74 :-( ... The Bad news, well the fee is one, the other is, there is no vacancy for up to 7 months!!!! (naaa.. padan muka!!! haha) So, looks like I won't be having my driver's license soon. But the lady did say that I could call up their 1300 no and enquire coz sometimes there are cancellations :-) Well, I guess that is good news..
Ok.. we'll see what happens :-)
Now, I think it is time for a little nap.. me tired!!!