Tuesday, 14 August 2007

Question that some women ask..

Why is it that it is easier for a man to forget a woman than a woman to forget a man?? After a relationship turned sour that is.. Is it because women are created in such a way that emotions tend to stay for sometime before it fizzles away? Or is it because men are better at dealing with a breakup than women?

When a breakup happens, some women tend to 'stay' in the 'relationship' for many months to come, sometimes years. I know, I was in one. Everytime you think that you have gotten over it, it hits you out of nowhere and bang! you are back in square one. It's as if the hurt will never end and you started thinking, 'When is this going to end? When will I be able to get through a day without thinking about him?'Everyone goes through a heartbreak once or twice (or more) in their lifetime. If you are lucky, you bounce back quickly. If you are not, you could be stuck for a long time. What do you tell friends who ask you time and again, 'When will it end?'Or 'Why is it so hard?' I don't know, really. Sometimes just a little phone call from the 'ex' or a brief text could set you back a day. Sometimes when you think back on all the nice time you had together, you wonder what went wrong.

As for the men, well, I can't really say what goes on in their head after a breakup. It could be that they are also hurting but dealing with the situation in a different way. Being manly and all, they probably don't dwell in the past as often as women do. Perhaps that is why they bounce back quicker than our gender, but then again, your guess is as good as mine. Sometimes you see that your 'ex' is back on the dating wagon again soon after your breakup and it hurts you very much that he could do that while you are struggling at home trying to get over him. While you are crying buckets at home, tossing and turning in bed, he is out with the new girl or different girls every night. Being a pro at multi-tasking doesn't help much when it comes to dealing with this kind of situation, does it? You can't seem to find a new guy to date coz no one can match up to your ex. Sometimes it sucks being a woman :-)

Now, having said all these, what do you do? I am no pro in dealing with this. I was stuck for years, but through that bitter experience I do know that if you do not make an effort to break the cycle (I call it a cycle coz it goes round and round), it will takes years away from you (not to mention your youth as well), time which you could use to enjoy other finer things in life. All I can say is that no matter what, you have to try to break the cycle, which means not staying at home and dwell on him, hoping that he would change his mind and come back one day, coz you know it very well in your heart of hearts that he WON'T. Now my friends would be thinking,'That's easy for you to say smarty-pants, you are not in this situation.' Well I know that. I didn't say it would be easy, it just had to be done!

Now where was I?? A colleague came into the room and interupted my thoughts :-) So, as I was rambling on, I guess the best thing to do is to try to deal with it the best you could and at the same time telling yourself that it WILL get better but you have to want to get better. Mind over matter :-)

And the reason I am thinking about this today? It's just something that a friend has been asking my thoughts on, and I just thought I would put them down. I am not a wise woman, but wiser (I think) as I aged along.. hehe.. gracefully I hope.

Perhaps if a man happens to read this, he could shed some light on the dilemma..

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