Sad day at work...
Today a colleague implied that I am a 'discriminator', is there such a word?? (Hehe, there isn't such a word, I made that one up.) Well, he implied that I was discriminating against another person simply because I use her first name instead of her surname on the job roster. I didn't think that it would create such a big problem and certainly does not warrant being accused of being someone who discriminates!!! And in a multicultural workplace too!!!! As if I don't understand what it means to work in such a multicultural society. It is sad really when all he had to do was to point out in a subtle manner that it might made the girl feel uncomfortable. I explained I only did that because her surname was a little long, but noooo, he had to say those insulting remarks.Perhaps I was wrong, perhaps I should have thought I would be discriminating against someone for using the first name. I seriously didn't think it would make that big a deal.
I know I don't discriminate against people, and I don't appreciate being implied as one. Life is just no fair sometimes. You might think that what you are doing is something good, but others find it offensive. I am trying very hard to be friendly to everyone, but I guess not everyone wants to be friends. I am not a rude person I reckon so I don't appreciate being rude at. There are ways to say things and I guess he just never learns how to be tackful. One day he would get into trouble for putting his foot in his mouth. Not that he hasn't(gotten into trouble), but I guess his skin is so thick, he just never learns. Friends advised me to ignore what he said, because he is like that. He is a person who doesn't think before he speaks, and that it's ok to do things as long as it is him who does it. Ahh well, I guess I just have to becareful with what I put down on papers and .. I think I will stay away from him from now on. I feel sad that he thinks I am such a person when all I have is respect for him. What a day...what a day indeed!! :-(
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