I am..
still looking for inspiration. The muse that comes and inspires the mind must be on holiday :-) Coz the brain has no waves when it comes to penning anything down. At times like this I am glad I were not a writer, if I were my head would be bald from all the frustrations of not being able to write anything down.. haha.. This is what they call 'writer's block' and in my case, 'blogger's block'. Sounds weird but funny :-) I envy people who could write and write, the creative sort.
Now come to think of it, I did try writing a short story once. In fact if I remember correctly, I wrote 2 short stories, a long time ago when I was still in high school. I remember they were love stories, ones that have a sad ending. Unrequited love. It must have been the influence of all the romance stories which were a craze back then among girls, Mills & Boons! I was quite imaginative, I wonder where it had all gone. Now I cannot write a page, let alone a short story. Perhaps I should have pursued a career in writing. Perhaps I should tune that creative side of my brain and start writing again. 'It's too hard!' my colleague likes to say :-)
Sometimes I have these ideas in my mind but I just couldn't string words together. I wonder if all great writers started this way? Think of JK Rowling who started putting her ideas down on napkins! Who would think that she would be one of the most popular writer in the world today!!
Oh!!!! The 'elephant' is stomping again upstairs! I wonder if he walks or jumps in the apartment.. haha.. maybe he hops :-) I hope he doesn't go and stay in a wooden house, the floor might collapse.. hmmm.. I am so bad.. but truly, I can hear his every move and if I cannot sleep at night, I can hear him moving around :-(
By the way, a WA resident won the 6 million dollar lotto last night. Sometimes I wonder why some people have all the luck and some people don't. I am not the lucky one when it comes to lotto, I haven't won any but I will keep on trying :-) If I win the jackpot, I will help my cousins to seek treatment for their eyesight. You see they have been 80% blind since they were in their teens, and if I have the money I will find the best doctor for them. They are the most humble people I have ever known. They do not let themselves be victims, instead they live their life the best they could. It would be good if there is treatment for their condition. They do not come from a well-to-do family. Their mother, my aunty died 7 years ago. Their father is not as young anymore, I think he is 80 or is it 82? I brought them to see the eye specialist back home but he said their condition was untreatable. I even brought them to healing sessions, but all to no avail. Maybe there is a treatment out there for them. Maybe it is their fate, so that people like me can appreciate what I have.
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