Sunday, 19 August 2007


We got a ticket for parking over time!!! Yikesss!!! $60 for being 1/2 hr late... Valerie and I were at Fremantile today showing her nephew what Fremantle is all about :-) But.. to our horror, we got a ticket when we walked back to the car.Of course we prayed hard as we were walking back ,hoping against hope that there wouldn't be one.. hehe..It's our first ticket since we started gallivanting around Perth, but it is still disheartening. It is, however, a lesson for us. We will make sure we never exceeded our parking time again!!

But then looking at the parking bays in Fremantle, it is amazing just how fast the parking regulations have changed. Before you can park for free after 5 pm, now it is only free after midnight!! So there is no free park anymore if you wish to visit Fremantle. Wouldn't it be nice if there were a system whereby you put in money into the meter but returns the balance to you if you do not use up all the time you paid for?? That way one could pay for 3 hours and if he only uses 1.5 of it, the balance would be refunded to him, rounded to the nearest hour that is :-) Yeah, it's wishful thinking, but hey it's worth a thought :-)

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