was undoubtedly a hectic one. So many things to do, so many people to visit, so little time. Everybody wanted attention! I didn't get to meet everyone I had wanted to meet though, but I must admit I had fun fun fun! which led to stress stress stress!! hahahaha.. Yeap, in the midst of activities, it can be stressful (I even got sick!! that's how stressful it was.. hehhe... nah, that was caused by the change in weather.. hahha)
I must also admit that being able to drive again was also a luxury, zipping here and there.. ooooeeeee.. nice indeed. And that makes me more determined than ever to go take my driving license so that I can have that freedom of movement!!! Ok SOON!!
And I also ate all I wanted too.. yikesss!!! Food that I will surely miss when I am back. All in all it was a good break. Now it is back to work, and it is soooooooooo difficult to wake up in the morning :-)
Here are some pics from my visit :
Deco at Karamunsing kompleks
Expert satay 'griller' (wannabe..haha)
While waiting for dinner
New Year Eve dinner - with the munsters
Happy boy with his ang pows
Pretty girlie
Tim Sum breakfast