Monday, 31 December 2007

It's 5 minutes to midnight, the last night in 2007. Soon the countdown will begin to usher in the new year. Thousands of people are at Northbridge tonight, some are at the beach and many more in pubs, all eager to welcome the new year. Tomorrow we enter into 2008.

A year has come and gone and it is a good time to reflect back on what I have accomplished in 2007, the good times and the bad, the laughter, the friends, the hugs and the kisses. I have survived yet another year in this stranger land. I have experienced the 4 seasons, the hot and the cold. A friend said tomorrow we will be a year older, a year wiser. I suppose we will never be wiser.. haha... just more aware of what is happening around us.

May 2008 brings us more laughter, more friends, love and hopefully wealth.. and less stress :-) Thanks to all my friends who have made this year a memorable one. For all our new year resolution left unfulfilled, may 2008 brings us new resolution, to fulfill the old one :-) Cheers everyone!!

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