An interesting article from The Star today..
Brain Drain is Colour Blind
It echoes the thoughts of millions who have left their homeland to seek a new life in a stranger land, like moi :-) Does it make us less Malaysian? Does it mean that we do not love our country any longer? I believe that once you are a Malaysian, you are always a Malaysian and by leaving the country to seek the greener pasture elsewhere doesn't change who you are, just where you are. It is what they call , 'a matter of locality' :-)
I have been here a year now and I have learnt that while it is not easy living and earning a living in other people's country, it certainly has brought some 'plus' into my life. Here I learned to be independent, to be brave, to be thrifty, to be flexible and adapt to my surroundings. And oh, I get to things I wouldn't do at home too.. now, now, good things... ;-) ...I have made good friends and though I do miss home, especially during this festive season of Christmas, I am glad I have friends to spend it with here as well. The joy of being away from home is the time when I board that plane to go home, to visit family and friends, to do the things I like to do back home and to eat the food that I miss eating here. And counting down to that day feels like a bonus at the end of rainbow, you know you just need to 'survive' each day ( it's really not that bad.. heheh..)till that day comes. Being away makes me more appreciative of family and friends and I treasure them now more than ever knowing that I don't get to spend time with them that often but they are still dear to me. Maybe that's what all of us need to do, to get away more often so that we do not take our loved ones for granted.
Distance makes the heart grow fonder, I can say now that it is really true. Merry Christmas everyone, may this Christmas bring you joy and happiness... and of course lots of pressies too!!!! :-)
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