Saturday, 15 December 2007

Christmas is ....

just around the corner :-) Seems like it was just yesterday that I spent Christmas here in Perth. My 2nd Christmas, and this year I will be celebrating it with some friends from Sabah..oooo.. nice :-)

Anyway, last Saturday Valerie and I went to watch the annual RAC Channel Seven Christmas pageant. Last Christmas we said we were not going to come to this year's pageant and guess what?? We were there again.. hahaha.. People starting camping along the road where the pageant will pass through as early as 4.30 pm and the whole affair didn't start until 8.30pm! Mommies, daddies,grandparents, kids and even babies as old as a few weeks old all came out. They brought mats, picnic chairs, food and drinks, and St George's Tce, William St, Wellington St and Barrack St (the route of the parade) turned into a big picnic ground. It was very cold too and we had to go and get ourselves a jumper, luckily there were sales on. The parade sponsored by Channel 7 and RAC was officiated by the Lady Mayor. There were floats, multi-cultural groups, camels, dogs, dancers, clowns, fairies, samba bands and drum bands as well as the display of luxury cars. It started with the City of Perth band and ended with Father Christmas and Reindeer. Didn't get home until after 10pm.

Here are some pics I captured but they are not very clear as you can see..hehe.. my camera is not equip to take night shots! Bugger!!

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