Sunday, 14 October 2007

'Close your eyes, think back to the week before and remember all the good things that happened to you. Then think back to the week before that, and then further back. Have you given thanks for all the good things that came your way?'

That was the sermon we had this morning, short but powerful enough to spin my wheel of thought. I thought back to the past week or so of the good things that came my way. It is not easy I admit, thinking back and remembering all good things that came my way. It is undoubtedly easier to remember bad things that happened but to remember good things takes a bit of an effort. That's just typical of us human, isn't it? I can remember a colleague who angered me in a split of a second, but it takes longer to recall a colleague who helped me solve a problem.

So today is all about recalling good things that came my way and thanking God for them. I think about my friends here who without them my life would be empty and lonely, my colleagues who provide all shades and colours in my daily working life, my work that gives me the means to live from day to day, my unit, though small,provides me shelter from the rain and the sun. I also think of him who has loved me and brought me so much happiness, and though we are no longer together I still thank God for bringing him into my life.

For all good things that come my way, past, present and future, I am indeed thankful.

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