Sunday, 1 July 2007

A little sharing on a Sunday morning

"When we look at it, most of the things we get involved in have hidden costs - those things we were not quite prepared for. It may be the illness we didn't expect; the child or parent (or even ourselves) who disappointed us; the positions we worked so hard for but which landed in someone else's lap; the relationship in which so much was invested,but which was one-way only. Each of us has something 'costly' that we journey with, something not measured in dollars or euros.

As followers of Jesus, we know that there will be the inevitable hidden costs. Jesus made it quite clear that in following him we will travel to some lonely or difficult places. His most difficult journey was to Jerusalem but along the way he encountered lots of lonely places too. The reassuring thing about places is that Jesus gets there first - and there he waits for us."

An excerpt from Sr Kathryn Williams' sunday reflection...

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